Seal: SEquence ALignment evaluation suite
Seal is a comprehensive sequencing
simulation and alignment tool evaluation suite. This software (implemented in Java) provides
several utilities that can be used to evaluate alignment algorithms, including:
- Reading a pre-existing reference genome from one or more FASTA files.
- Alternatively, generating an artificial reference genome based on input parameters (length, repeat count, repeat
length, repeat variability rate).
- Simulating reads from random locations in the genome based on input
parameters of read length, coverage, sequencing error rate, and indel rate.
- Applying alignment tools to the genome and the reads through a standardized interface.
- Parsing the output of the alignment tool and calculating the number of reads that were correctly or incorrectly
- Computing run times and measures of accuracy.
Seal has interfaces to evaluate the following software packages:
- Bowtie
- mrFAST
- mrsFAST
- Novoalign
- SOAPv2
- Seal 2.1 is released, which adds a command-line
option to specify which tools are run.
- Seal is now hosted on GitHub at
- Fixed a bug that would occasionally cause a NegativeArraySizeException when generating small indels.
Source Code
A README.txt (containing usage instructions) is included in the archive.
The full version history is available through the Git version control system:
git clone git://
Tags in this repository are signed with Matthew
Ruffalo's GPG key (fingerprint FF01 0726 CBC6 6DBD E521 5B85 222C 6D4B 11EA AB0E).
Other Downloads
Human Genome, 2 parts
This work was supported in part by National Science Foundation Award IIS-0916102.
I would like to thank the authors of the Apache
log4j logging framework and the JCommander
command-line argument parsing library.